Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Detroit Zoo

On Monday, Amy and I went to the Detroit Zoo. Man, I haven't been there in YEARS! Even though it was pretty hot, we had a great time. Most of the animals were lying around due to the heat, and I don't blame them. I finally got to see the wolverines, which was cool. The newborn wolverine cubs weren't out though. But, there were NO Elephants! What the crap!! I heard that they've been moved to some Elephant reservation in Arizona, since they get too weak to such small quarters. Bunch of crap, is what that is. No freaking elephants. That sucked! Anyways, we went and saw the tigers (my favorite) twice. We got to see them fight for a second or two. All in all, it was a fun time, and it was nice for us to actually go do something.


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